Late in July 2020 I found a small roof rack trailer for sale in a neighboring town. Information technology came with a canoe and the cost was reasonable. I had been eyeing a trailer purchase for some fourth dimension because, well, let's not go into this at present. The reasoning is multi-faceted and warrants a divide post.

Then, I contacted the seller and we met so that I could inspect the setup. The seller gave me what looked like a copy of the Certificate of Origin. He asserted that this was all he had and he was able to register information technology. I quickly wrote up a Bill of Sale, and I towed information technology home.

Up to this bespeak, I hadn't really thought much near what it would take to register a trailer, other than that I wanted to do it. And so the enquiry started.

Registration Requirements

The RMV website does not actually spell out the registration requirements for trailers purchased from an individual – they are the same every bit for other vehicles:

  • A completed Registration and Title Application
  • The previous possessor's certificate of championshipor the previous owner's registration and nib of sale for vehicles that are exempt because of its historic period
  • Applicable fee

The site further mentions that trailers with a gross weight of less than iii,000 pounds practise not require a title (mine has 1,200). And the person registering must be present in person (lawful presence when registering/titling your vehicle).

With this information, I downloaded the application, filled it out, and printed it. There is also this checklist on the RMV site. It mentions proof of insurance. I did merely a superficial search on insurance requirements for trailers, something that would come back and seize with teeth me later.

The first striking that Google brought upwardly was an insurance site, and it said this:

Although it's not a legal requirement to maintain insurance on your trailer, …

At this point I stopped reading and decided that I wouldn't demand an insurance postage stamp on the application course. I had the rest – a neb of auction AND the certificate of origin signed over to me.

Then I went to the website and began the process of getting an appointment at one of the RMV offices that were open during the pandemic. The ones that were open up for business organisation to the public were all at least an hour away, so I decided I would take the Harley and pick the i with the nigh scenic ride – Plymouth, MA.

First RMV Visit

The primeval appointment that I found came with a 2 calendar week look fourth dimension. I booked it. During those initial 2 weeks, I fabricated several trips with the trailer and 2 canoes, a couple around town to the Charles River, 1 to Lake Cochituate in Framingham on a busy summer weekend. I made sure I had the paperwork with me. Luckily, I did non get pulled over, so I tin can't tell you what would have happened.

Cerberus, the mythical hound of Hades, garding the gates to the Underworld

Finally the appointment came. Information technology was a warm August day and I arrived on time for my appointment. I was a petty irritated that there was a line of people wrapped around the building, but I wasn't in a hurry, so I waited the 45 minutes or then until I was finally called within. Cerberus awaited me in the lobby and demanded to review my paperwork. Subsequently a cursory glance, he pointed at my Document of Origin and said: "We don't take copies". I tried to explain that this was all the previous owner had given me, and that the trailer had previously been registered in Massachusetts, but he wanted no part of this. He would not let me in. I had to ride back with nothing accomplished, having wasted half a day in the process.


The things I looked into to resolve this were

  • reaching out to the seller again and enquire him to double-check for the original title (negative) or his registration (too negative – already discarded)
  • researching the home-built path for trailers (seemed sketchy – I had ordered a listing of accompaniment parts from the manufacturer already that cost more than what I had paid for the trailer, but would this exist sufficient testify?)
  • researching out-of-land registrations

The best pick seemed to exist to inquire a friend in New Hampshire to register it temporarily and then sell information technology back to me. With the NH registration, so said many forum posts, I would be able to register it in MA.

Duplicate Certificate of Origin

Just just when I was most to achieve out to my friend, I remembered that the folks at the manufacturer had been friendly when I ordered parts – shouldn't they be able to send a duplicate certificate? I called, and – bingo. They took my information and promised to send a duplicate Certificate of Origin. Meanwhile, I scheduled several new appointments at the RMVs in Worcester and Fall River (just in example, using different email addresses and phone numbers).

A week passed and the envelope did not arrive. It seemed that they had forgotten to mail it. I cancelled my appointments and chosen again. This time, communication worked better, and the letter with the new certificate arrived within a calendar week.

Second RMV Visit

Once I had the document, I contacted the seller then that he could sign it over to me again. Unfortunately he was out of state and we could not run into until Friday that calendar week. It was already late in Baronial by now. I scheduled more RMV appointments, but I had found out that the RMV in Milford, MA offered drop-off service for awarding packages and would plow them effectually in a few days, much shorter than the look for an in-person appointment at some other location. Once I had the signature that Friday, information technology was three:30 pm. I checked the hours of the service eye on their website – 9 to 5 pm – and was on my style with the Harley to the RMV function. I arrived there at iv:fifteen pm, only before I could get in line, I was told that drop-off packages were only accepted until iv pm. So I rode home over again, having achieved null – a familiar feeling by now.

Third RMV Visit

Undeterred, I returned kickoff affair the following Monday morning, right when they opened. I already had the educational activity sheet and the bar lawmaking that I needed to scan with my phone from the Fri visit, and within 10 minutes I was inside.

Once again, someone reviewed my application documents, and once more they were rejected. I learned that I needed an insurance stamp afterward all, even though insurance was not required.

So I hopped on the bike and went to the AAA office 1 town over that would stamp my course. On the style there I was nearly killed, but I made it to the AAA. They were open for business organisation without an appointment and willing to provide the required postage stamp. I learned that, fifty-fifty though a policy it not required and there is no cost, a trailer rider needs to exist added to the auto insurance.

4th RMV Visit

Dorsum to the RMV I went. I briefly considered registering there via SMS prior to leaving the AAA location, but dismissed the thought every bit something that could cause embarrassment if the wait was brusque and I wasn't there yet. Fault. When I arrived, there were 20 people ahead of me.

And on the way I lost the AM/FM of my Harley! I thought I would just order a replacement and not worry almost it. This was another mistake – I had not just lost the antenna, but also the stud, and replacing it turned out to be a plush and complicated project. Once I realized this, I even returned that same evening and rode the stretch of Interstate 3 times, merely I was not able to observe it again.

Anyhow, the wait ended up existence less than an hour and I was finally able to drop off my application package belatedly that Monday morning.

Fifth RMV Visit

Wed afternoon I received a phone call that my application was processed and that, after payment, I could pick upwardly my plate and registration. This was a 4:15pm. Knowing that it would take me xxx minutes to get there, I apace sent payment and got in the car (it was raining, so no riding that 24-hour interval).

The much coveted registration and (temporary) license plate
The much coveted registration and (temporary) license plate

I arrived at 4:55 and stormed inside, mask on. My envelope was gear up and I received

  • one temporary plate (they were out of metallic license plates)
  • i temporary registration (to get with the plate)
  • the Certificate of Origin

The adult female who handed me the documents was kind plenty to mention that the Certificate of Origin was not needed because THEY HAD THE ORIGINAL ON FILE!

I broke out into a hysterical laughter. So much gas wasted.


The permanent plate volition arrive in the mail, I was told, then I won't take to become back again for this.

The have-away for others and myself for time to come trailer purchases and the Massachusetts trailer registration process:

  • If the trailer was registered in Massachusetts before, you Practise NOT Demand A Certificate of ORIGIN!
  • Practice non bother bringing a copy that the previous possessor may accept had – it volition confuse the heck out of RMV guard dogs
  • If your trailer was Non previously registered in MA, you lot will need the original or a duplicate Document of Origin, or the previous registration. Make certain you have i or the other!